
看过的 凯瑟琳Uhles, MIS, MSP, Dean, College of 业务 and IT



  • 会计, 税务稽查员和金融分析师是未来几年有望出现增长的金融行业职位, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.
  • 有会计、金融或商业学士学位的人可以从事许多金融工作.
  • 了解更多关于会计和金融的在线学位和证书推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

Few industries are as vast and diverse as finance, especially today. While most people may only think of careers like accounting, 记账, banking and other general roles within the industry, 有 对在金融领域工作感兴趣的人有无数的机会 或者相关的利基.

财务工作的范围从入门级到更专业的角色,可能需要各种各样的技能来获得资格. 像这样, 理解所有的可能性, 在每一个方面取得成功的要求和技能是规划商业金融职业生涯的重要第一步, especially when considering the rate of employment after graduation. 它可以 take an average of three to six months to find work after graduating所以,清楚地知道自己要走的路可以潜在地减轻开始职业生涯后的压力.


Entry-level finance jobs typically require a 学士学位. Depending on the specific industry you enter, qualifications for finance professionals may vary greatly.

对于拥有专业学位的人来说,入门级金融职业的范围很广,机会也同样多样化, 经验, and even niche interests and goals within business and finance.

商业和金融领域的学位 能帮助你从其他候选人中脱颖而出,并提供基本的知识和技能,以支持你在财务方面的日常工作职责吗.

熟悉任何你感兴趣的金融职位的一般要求是很重要的, 无论是在开始任何商业金融学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前还是在完成你的学位之后, 随着时间的推移,需求可能会发生变化. 这种方式, you can specialize in a path you’re interested in, 或者甚至考虑寻求更广泛的教育,这可能使你有资格从事不止一条潜在的职业道路.

1. 会计

会计师为企业或其他机构监督财务信息. This role includes tracking income and spending, researching better ways to improve tax returns, and identifying potential areas of overspending. 美国.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS) states that accountants typically need a 会计学士学位 or a related field, like business or finance, to enter the field. 成为注册会计师(CPA)需要额外的教育和执照。.

截至2023年5月,会计师和审计师 收入在50440美元到137280美元之间, with a median wage of $79,880, according to BLS.

This industry is projected to grow at a rate of about 从2022年到2032年增长4%, which is in line with the average growth for all industries in the U.S.

薪资范围不针对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生或毕业生. Actual outcomes vary based on multiple factors, 包括之前的工作经验, geographic location and other factors specific to the individual. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜不保证就业,工资水平或职业发展. 劳工统计局的数据是基于地理位置的. Information for a specific state/city can be researched on the BLS website.

BLS Occupational Employment Projections, 2022-2032 is published by the U.S. 劳工统计局. This data reflects BLS’ projections of national (not local) conditions. 这些数据点并不特定于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生或毕业生.

2. 税务检查

Myriad roles fall within tax-related occupations. Many align to similar requirements and job descriptions as accountants, while others are specific to 税法 and collections. 税务检查人员, 具体地说, work with small businesses and individuals to conduct audits, 审查纳税申报表,确保这些集团缴纳适当的税款. 税务稽查员可以为不同级别的政府工作,但通常收取个人的税款.

根据劳工统计局的数据, tax examiners typically 需要会计学士学位 或者一个相关的领域,比如商业. 截至2023年5月,这些专业人士 收入在37,690美元到107,66美元之间0, with a median wage of $58,530, according to BLS. 劳工统计局计划雇用税务稽查员 变化很少或没有变化 2022年到2032年. Still, about 4,100 job openings each year are predicted.

3. 金融分析师

金融分析师s can fill several positions within companies, 银行, 需要详细了解其财务状况的投资公司和其他公司. These employees assess the financial performance of an organization, 比如投资和股票表现, to determine its value and make recommendations.  

This role typically requires a bachelor's degree to enter this position. However, some employers may seek applicants with a master's degree.

截至2023年5月,金融分析师 收入在60,830美元到175,840美元之间, with a median wage of $99,010, according to BLS. 这个职位的就业前景是 预计增长8% 从2022年到2032年,也就是大约27,400个职位空缺.

4. 审计师

审计师就像会计师, sharing many of the same responsibilities and skills, 除了为个人或公司准备财务报表, 审计人员 are responsible for verifying the accuracy of such statements. There are two primary types of 审计人员: internal and external. Internal 审计人员 are employed by the organization they are auditing, while external 审计人员 are employed by an outside organization. 与会计师类似, 审计人员 通常至少需要一个 会计学士学位 或者相关领域的教育.

As mentioned above, accountants and 审计人员 收入在50440美元到137280美元之间, with a median wage of $79,880, according to BLS. This industry is projected to grow at a rate of about 从2022年到2032年增长4%.

5. 财务经理

维持一个组织的财务健康是财务经理的主要职责. 这些专业人士经常创建财务报告、预测和预算计划,以实现利润最大化. 由于这个角色的责任级别很高,财务经理 typically need a 学士学位 and five years of 经验 在类似的职业,如会计或财务分析,被雇用,根据劳工统计局.

截至2023年5月,财务经理 收入在82,870美元到239,200美元之间, with a median wage of $156,100, according to BLS. 这个领域的就业是 预计增长16% 2022年到2032年, also according to BLS. This is roughly 69,600 openings each year.

6. 财务顾问

财务顾问, 比如税务稽查员, 能否与个人或组织合作,并负责就金融投资提出建议或提供建议, 比如退休计划, 税法, 保险及其他. Sometimes referred to as financial planners, 这些专业人员可以支持广泛的主题,或者专门研究保险和风险管理等领域, 投资, 还有遗产规划.

根据劳工统计局的数据, a 学士学位 is typically required, 某些证书或硕士学位可以提高财务顾问的声誉和成为经理的能力.

As of May 2023, financial advisors earned between private financial advisors 收入在48,730美元到239,200美元之间, with a median wage of $99,580, according to BLS.

预计就业人数为 从2022年到2032年增长13%. That’s an estimated 25,600 open roles each year.

Earn a degree in finance from University of Phoenix

通过推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(UOPX)的会计或财务规划学位或证书,培养在金融职业中取得成功所需的技能。. UOPX的学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和证书推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜严格,但作为在线推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜具有灵活性.

Learn more about our financial planning and accounting offerings. 学生可以单独获得学位或证书,也可以将证书与商学学位相结合, like a Bachelor of Science in 业务 or an MBA. UOPX程序包括:

To learn more about our educational offerings, 如何在教育上省钱,UOPX如何帮助你适应繁忙的生活, 访问凤凰城.edu.



他毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学及其写作研讨会项目,并获得了史蒂芬A. 狄克逊文学奖, 迈克尔·费德在他写的每一篇文章中都有对细节的关注和对研究的热情. His academic and professional background includes 经验 in marketing, 内容开发, 脚本编写和SEO. 今天, 他是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的多媒体专家,在那里他涉及从医疗保健到IT的各种主题.



Currently Dean of the College of 业务 and 信息技术, 自2006年以来,凯瑟琳Uhles一直在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任各种职务. 在加入推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜之前, Kathryn taught fifth grade to underprivileged youth in Phoenix.


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