Successful pilot focused on faculty storytelling skills leads to expansion of digital badging for faculty

在一项开创性的高等教育倡议中, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 faculty development has begun offering faculty members opportunities to acquire digital badges for associated skills acquisition, 反映了它的方法 技能标签推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和学生数字徽章的进展. The faculty skills badging initiative builds on the University’s commitment to faculty support and development, 提供一种新的方法来表彰教师的成就和技能.

The workforce has been shifting for some time toward recognizing skills gaps for workers, 大流行加速了这一进程, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的研究结果也说明了这一点 职业乐观指数®研究. As 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 focuses institutionally on careers and skills attainment, faculty skills recognition and digital badging is consistent with student skills recognition and provides faculty similar opportunities to share professionally their continued commitment to learning and skills acquisition.

“Our skill-mapped curriculum and individualized skills dashboard highlights for our students how they are acquiring skills as part of their progress in their programs,约翰·伍兹说。, Ph.D.他是教务长兼首席学术官. “对我们的教员采用同样的方法是有道理的, 在他们传授的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中, 认识到他们作为从业者是如何表现的, 老师, 作为学习者.”

Building on its long-standing and robust approach to faculty development and training, the University’s effort to incorporate skills-tagged digital badging into faculty development began with a pilot program on storytelling. The program relied heavily on humanities-focused content—stories of all kinds and the theories and practices around listening and telling stories.

“告诉, 听力, and reading stories helps learners develop affective competencies like comfort with ambiguity and an appreciation for diversity, 并产生可测量的生理共情反应,伊芙·克拉赫·比林斯说道, Ph.D.学术创新与评价主任. “The use of storytelling in the classroom permits students and faculty to connect on professional and personal levels.”

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 practitioner faculty have an average of 26 years in their respective field of expertise and incorporate real-world experience and career-relevance into teaching practice. “Translating this insight via best practice in storytelling further strengthens learners’ ability to consume and understand the information,比林斯说。.

“Training our practitioner faculty in storytelling skills provides them with another approach to interact with their students,Tahnja Wilson说, 该大学教师培训与发展主任. “这创新, emergent best practice in teaching has not yet been widely realized across higher ed – particularly as it pertains to practitioner faculty and imparting real-world experience. We are excited to be among the first to include storytelling as part of our students’ higher learning experience, particularly considering the vast real-world experience of our practitioner faculty.”

讲故事的试点项目包括一个讲习班, 一项对参与者的调查发现,在研讨会之前, 53% reported that they could “connect the use of story-telling to career-relevant content” and were “comfortable using storytelling in my teaching practice” as measures. 工作坊结束后, 这一比例上升到100%. Faculty participants who successfully completed the workshop were then able to claim a 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 branded digital Storyteller badge.

简·金,J.D., 通识学院的教师教学, participated in the storytelling workshop and found it helped her to overcome a lack of confidence in her own storytelling ability. “It was completely worth the hard work and has enriched my approach to teaching,” shares King. “在我教的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中, 我在每周的讨论中增加了一个故事作为讨论提示, 通常专注于职业, 与一个关键概念有关. Students react positively to this more personal approach and are encouraged to consider their own experiences and to share their stories. Teaching and learning through storytelling then becomes a circular process resulting in a strong connection for the student between course concepts, 日常生活和工作, 未来的职业生涯.”

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has plans to continue to expand the faculty skills badging initiative as part of its overall approach to faculty development and improved performance.


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