领导力项目的毕业生杰丽莎·达拉斯, 黛博拉斯 克里斯蒂娜·托塔 helped drive community impact raising $72,亚利桑那州的非营利组织专注于帮助妇女

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is proud to announce that staff members Jelisa Dallas, 项目经理, 教育公平, 黛博拉斯, 财务顾问, 克里斯蒂娜·托塔, 运营项目经理, 是SHE领导的毕业生吗!亚利桑那妇女基金会(AFW)的™项目, a not-for-profit agency that advocates for women’s causes in Arizona. 她领导!™ graduated 29 women from AFW’s local second annual women’s-centric leadership program. 在过去的六个月里,她领导着!™ participants raised over $72,000 for non-profits focused on helping Arizona women.

“The 2022 她领导™ class exceeded our expectations! 我们为他们所做的工作感到骄傲, 以及他们所展示的增长水平,特蕾西·德索托说, director of Financial Services at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and 她领导!™项目联合主席. We couldn’t be prouder of this cohort as they gained confidence and leadership skills while raising a significant amount of money that will help support the underserved women in Arizona.”

DeSoto and Barbara Schifano, senior director of Learning Development, co-chair 她领导!TM 并担任AFW的董事会成员. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is a proud sponsor of 她领导!TM and supports the voluntary engagement of staff with the program and AFW.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has been a major supporter and partner since the first 她领导!™ class launched under Arizona Foundation for Women in 2021,” said Mesha Davis, AFW CEO. “Having key university leaders commit their invaluable time to developing the curriculum and building the program series speaks volumes to the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s commitment to the women in our state. 她领导!由于他们的支持,™成为可能.”

SHE领导!TM program is a six-month leadership program designed to help participants build the skills necessary for their roles or advancing their career, including having a mentor and completing a fundraising component. The program included a curriculum with topics covering growth mindset, diversity & 包容、建立战略伙伴关系等等.

“I’ve gained such confidence in my ability to ask for help, 无论是在筹款还是在我的职业生涯中,达拉斯说。. “I valued the practicality of the program – we had opportunities to apply tactics and strategies of what we were learning, 比如高管风度, 薪资谈判, and developing a growth and leadership mindset in day-to-day interactions. The assessments helped me gain increased self-awareness of my strengths while also identifying where I can lean on others for support.”

毕业生与冠军一对一合作, 或者个人导师, 完成的个人力量评估, built strong relationships through after-hours networking and workshop sessions, and developed a toolkit to advance themselves personally and professionally.

The cohort funded the following organizations as grantees: Alice’s Place, 检查肿块, 儿童维护者, Televerde基金会, 时间, 公司. 以及亚利桑那州妇女健康联盟. Additionally, a portion of the funds raised will support the 她领导!™计划向前推进.

Totah, who raised over $4,000, was formally recognized by the program as a top fundraiser. “I’ve been trying to tell myself to move forward with and challenge myself, 是什么激励我加入这个项目的,她说。. “I also wanted to elevate myself and I felt like I had more to learn. I had support from family and my mentor that helped spark some outside of the box ideas and gained confidence throughout the program.”

AFW is a supporting organization of Arizona Community Foundation focused on creating a better life for Arizona’s women and children. 他们的项目包括SHE Counts!® mission to identify unmet needs and develop the initiatives and methods to address them, and the women-focused leadership development program, 她领导!™



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